Why you likely won't achieve your resolutions this year..

It’s the time of year where you may find yourself making resolutions or setting goals for the upcoming months.

Research tells us the majority of you will not stick with them. This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame.

Today I am talking about lifestyle and habit change and the role your beliefs about yourself and your capabilities play in it. Many people want to make life changes because it's causing them mental or physical distress. A massive predictor of your success in what you set out to achieve is based on your belief in your ability to do so.

You have to believe you can overcome any challenge in your life.

Do you believe that? Or do you let the fear of things going wrong or making mistakes, lead you down a path of worry and anxiety.

When you believe that you can cope with the worst-case scenario in your mind, it gives you some power back over your situation.

We form ideas on how the world works as we grow up, we are taught by those around us how to handle challenges and what we are made of. These beliefs are the hidden stories that run the scripts of our lives. I would like to introduce you to choice. Someone wise once said "Beliefs are a choice and every choice can be changed". 

As humans, we are designed to learn and grow. When life gets messy and uncomfortable, we grow. You can get better at anything you set your mind to it.

Ask yourself, what do I believe that is getting in my way of my goals? Then reject the belief. Teach yourself to get better. Ask for help. Make a plan.

Pick one small thing at a time to work towards.

You have freakin got this! Your self doubt ends here.

~ Laura

We're here if you want to talk :)

Take the first step and call us for an appointment ...(506) 651-1239


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