
Gender Affirming Care

Gender dysphoria (GD) as defined by Kudnson, De Cuypere & Bocktin (2010)* states that GD is “distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and that person’s sex assigned at birth (and the associated gender role and/or primary and secondary sex characteristics”.

There is no one way to experience gender dysphoria and a desire to access treatment can happen at any age.

Support can vary from exploring the option of “coming out”, also known as affirming one’s identity with friends, family, colleagues, etc. It can also include social transitioning in ways such as, but not limited to, changing their legal name and/or gender marker on official documents and changing appearance (i.e., hair, clothing, etc.).

For some people that are experiencing gender dysphoria, they might also want to go through a medical transition either with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or Gender-Affirming Surgery (GAS).

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As a therapist with specialized training, Ricky McIntyre can both support people’s transition through any/all these options in any order of choice that makes sense to the person.

He can support those who want to transition by providing support and education for them and their support people. He can also provide letters of support to access both HRT and GAS that can help the client represent their authentic self. Our support can be in place long after all transitions options have been examined.

Our bio psycho social assessment provides information for our clients which can include, examining how gender dysphoria impacts them, along with discussing their readiness for treatment.

He can also educate about the associated potential risks and managing expectations of surgery.