New Year...Let's Check in

Welcome to 2020! What do you want your mental health to look like this year?

What does coping well look like for you? 

I encourage you to do a personal mental health check in, it deserves the same attention as physical health.

This is typically the time that many people schedule their yearly checkups, at the start of a new year. It's helpful to be attentive to your mental health, particularly your stress, energy levels and ability to enjoy life. When you don’t address an issue that's on your heart or mind, it becomes distracting and starts to negatively impact many areas of your life.

I have listed a few reflection questions to help get you started on your self-evaluation. Answer as honestly as you can.

  • How do you feel most days? Down or depressed for more than a few days at a time? Does your mood negatively impact relationships with your spouse, coworkers or your children?

  • How is your temper? Do you feel angry or often have regrets about the way you respond to those around you?

  • How are your close relationships? Do you spend time with people who you feel love and support you?

  • How are your finances? Are you spending money you don’t have to cope with stress or pain?

  • Do you feel you have a sense of purpose in your life? Do you feel stuck in the past or afraid of the future?

  • How is your physical health? Do you take basic care of yourself with regular exercise, adequate sleep, drinking enough water and eating regular meals?

If your answers to these questions are less than ideal, it may be time to address some

hard things in your life and be on the road to a brighter, more fulfilling future. This may look like improved mood, energy and sense of self, or satisfaction with your life.

As mental health therapists, we can help you with this self-awareness process and strategize some ways for you to better understand and receive support for these struggles.

Happy New Year!

~ Laura

We're here if you want to talk :

Take the first step and call us for an appointment ...(506) 651-1239


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