The Winter Blues and ways to feel better

If you find yourself struggling this time of year, you are certainly not alone. Many people find their mood dips and they lack energy around this time. Rather it's the post holiday let down, or the lack of sunlight, financial stress or the catching up everything that we put off “until Jan” it is very normal to not feel like yourself. As we navigate these long winter days, there are some things you can do to help take the edge off. 

I've personally found that intentionally focusing on self-care goes a long way in combating the winter blues and feeling a little bit better:

Light Up Your Space: Invest in a light for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I found an affordable one at Costco, and it makes a noticeable difference, especially in my dim workspace.

Supplement for Sunshine: Take daily vitamin D and vitamin B12 supplements to enhance your mood and energy levels.

Surround Yourself with Laughter: Spend time with people who bring joy and unconditional support into your life. Even if you don't feel like it, social connections release feel-good hormones in your brain.

Move Your Body: Engage in daily physical activity, even if it's a simple indoor workout. Whether it's a walk, skating, or a home workout, moving your body positively impacts your mental and physical well-being.

Treat Yourself: Prioritize self-care like you would for your children. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and indulge in small treats that bring you joy, within your means.

Speak Kindly to Yourself: Practice self-compassion by talking to yourself as you would to a child. Be intentional about maintaining a positive internal dialogue.

Remember, consistent efforts to nurture your mental health lead to positive changes. As Gretchen Rubin wisely said, "Act the way you want to feel." By paying attention to your needs and taking action, you'll wake up feeling happier and healthier each morning.

Reach out to us if you would like to see one of our Therapists. Let's BE REAL TOGETHER

~ Laura, Clinical Therapist Call (506) 651-1239 or BOOK ONLINE


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